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Frequently asked questions

How does this work?

Click here to book your appointment. You will receive a confirmation email. Please follow the instructions to confirm the appointment time and make payment. 


On the agreed time and date, Dr Isabel will go to your home and the consultation will take place where you and your pet are more comfortable. 


Does it cost more?

Yes, home visits cost more than attending a regular clinic. Our clients choose home visits for a variety of reasons including convenience and comfort. 


How much does a consultation cost?

A consultation costs $145 for the first pet and $95 for additional pets. 


Who would benefit from this service?

Families whose pets find travel stressful or difficult would benefit from our service. 


One of our most meaningful services is euthanasia at home, which allows you and your beloved pet to make the final journey in the peace and familiarity of home. 


We are also ideal for palliative care for senior pets or pets who have chronic conditions that make it difficult for them to travel to and visit a clinic.


Families who would struggle to attend a regular clinic due to transport issues or having young children that require care would also benefit from service. 


What type of animals do you treat?

At the moment, Dr Isabel is only seeing companion animals such as dogs and cats. 


Do you handle emergencies?

No. Please call your regular vet clinic for emergencies. 


How often should my pet have a routine check up?

This depends on your pet's age and health conditions; generally once every 6 months is sufficient. 


Do you do vaccinations?

Yes, we are able to administer all your pet’s routine vaccinations. 


What do I do to prior to the vet’s arrival?

On the day of the appointment, you should secure your animal in a safe space about 15 minutes before Dr Isabel’s arrival. A crate or travel box is ideal but a room where they are comfortable is also fine.


What are your operating hours? 

Dr Isabel is available most days between 9am and 3pm. Some days are not available due to other commitments and these are noted in the booking calendar.

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